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Highlands Elementary School

Home of the Vikings

Highlands Elementary School

Home of the Vikings
Independent Vikings

Independent Vikings

Students are encouraged to apply for Independent Viking status. The application includes criteria such as having good attendance, exemplary behavior in class and taking responsibility for homework and class work. Successful applicants are provided with a photo ID. Independent Vikings are awarded privileges including using the library in the morning instead of lining up outside, use of the quad area outside at lunch instead of having to eat in the cafeteria and an occasional lunch with the principal or vice principal.
Pats on the Back

Pats on the Back

Pats on the Back are earned for doing a good deed and/or practicing a life skill. When students earn a Pat on the Back they take it home to have their parent sign it. Once signed, the student can put their Pat on the Back in their class drawing or save their Pat on the Back. On Fridays students whose names are drawn from each class are announced on the loud speaker and get to pick a prize. Students who save their Pats on the Back get to shop at the Student Store. Cafeteria Compliments and “Caught Ya Being Good in the Cafeteria"
Classrooms are eligible for Cafeteria Compliments for following proper cafeteria procedures. Five cafeteria compliments earn a “Caught Ya Being Good in the Cafeteria” award, and four “Caught Ya” awards earn an ice cream party hosted by the vice principal or principal.