School Site Council (SSC)
What is the School Site Council (SSC)?
School site Council meetings are monthly meetings that are open to all school parents. It provides parents with the opportunity to make suggestions and share concerns to your local school community. Please check the Highlands calendar on the main page to find out when the next meeting is taking place or contact your parent and family liaison for more information.
Who are part of the SSC?
The SSC is a group made up of teachers, parents, classified employees and students (at high schools) that work with the school principal to discuss, develop and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the School Site Council are usually elected in by their voting peers.
How can I get involved?
If you are interested in making Highlands a better school for our scholars and/or budget planning, you may enjoy joining and serving in the School Site Council. Please attend the next meeting for more information, contact the school principal.